Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dont turn away,Turn them in(save our children)

I bet you guys has rarely seen this flyers or stickers around ,but i managed to get my hands on these flyers and stickers and the warning says it all,we need to be vigilante on our surrounding,this is not a negative approach by the government to target tourist from abroad,but this is just steps taken by our authorities to combat such acts by irresponsible individuals that might rob our children of their childhoods,so please if you do hear or seen such acts were done in your neighbourhood,kampungs or even mukims,report it to your nearest police stations,or call 993.Thank you,together we can save our children futures.I do wish the relevent ministry have a website for this campaign.I will be away for a few days and will be back with my adventures to share with all of you out there.