Monday, July 02, 2007

My day in KL

One of the many Indian Restaurant around my HOTEL
MEGA SALES....arrgghhhh siok eh
Arrived in KL for a month long job training,stayed in a 3,wait i think its a 2 star hotels(will post the pics of the hotel in other post).Decided to move to new hotel on tuesday,the booking for this hotel is only for 2 days.KL as usual is hectics,busy,crowded,far from what we are experiencing in BRUNEI,but with the current MEGA SALES going on,what the hell,who am i to complaint,apart from my limited cash flow,gigit jari saja..hehehe..will post more of my adventures in KL soon.


dr_labi said...

baikkk... ke KL, siok ni eh lurus Mega sale lagi tu, boleh kirim nasi kandar ni..hehe

Zaliariff said...

Bah kemari tuan haji,tinggal arah ku,tuan haji sorang lagi kan kemari jua tu,melawat aku...hahhhah