Monday, July 30, 2007

Im coming back home soon...

Models and celebrities posing during the launch of JIMMY CHOO's boutique
INDOOR Amusement park in Times Square
INDOOR Amusement park in Times Square
RC race in Times square
IMAX,i watched Transformers here....BASAR eh!!

After spending a month here in KL, i have learn a very good lesson in life,especially lessons in survival,family and friends.I have been away before even longer than this,but this time it is quite different from my past experiences ,the reason was,being what have been happening to my family back in BRUNEI,while i was away,my kids were down with illness,be it abang or lating,they both suffers flu,fever and asthma,i really pity my wife to have endured this alone,without me beside her.She is sure one tough woman,and i love her for this.I now realized,even with all the money that have nothing is as important as my kids my wife and my families,yes,we need money to educate,feed them,but we dont have to go far to look for it,BRUNEI is still a place where if we dig and work hard,we will strike it rich one day.So today, i will bid farewell to KL,as there will be a new challenge for me now back in BRUNEI,and i will work hard on it to accomplish my goals and dreams.Aboves are some pictures that i took during my last weekend in KL.Honey i'll be home i come...hehehe(for training actually)

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